Notepad++ Team Notepad++ 6.5.5

5.82 MB
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)
Silent Install
npp.6.5.5u.Installer.exe /S

To silently install Notepad++ Team Notepad++ 6.5.5 follow theese simple steps.

  1. Download the file npp.6.5.5u.Installer.exe
  2. Check the MD5 Checksum and the Signature of the installer package
  3. open a cammandline in admin mode by pressing Win and enter cmd
  4. right click the terminal application and choose "Run as Admin ..."
  5. Change the directory where the downloaded file is stored by using the cd command
  6. now enter the command npp.6.5.5u.Installer.exe /S in the terminal to silently install Notepad++

Silent Uninstall
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe /S

To silently uninstall Notepad++ Team Notepad++ 6.5.5 follow theese simple steps.

  1. open a cammandline in admin mode by pressing Win and enter cmd
  2. right click the terminal application and choose "Run as Admin ..."
  3. now enter the command %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe /S in the terminal to silently uninstall Notepad++