Installer » InstallShield (legacy)

InstallShield (legacy)

InstallShield is a proprietary software tool for creating installers or software packages. InstallShield is primarily used for installing software for Microsoft Windows desktop and server platforms, but it can also be used to manage software applications and packages on a variety of handheld and mobile devices.

There are 2 kind of InstallShield installers the lagacy one (the one described here) and a MSI based version.


/uninst Uninstalls the product
/removeonly Also uninstalls the product, but depending upon how authored it may display the welcome/maintenance dialog
/r Record the installation to create an ISS answer file which may be used in a silent installation command
/s Run the setup silently using a previously created ISS answer file (with the /r parameter).
/f1 Specifies an alternative response file name and path; by default /s will look for setup.iss in the same directory as the setup executable and /r will create setup.iss in the Windows directory (%windir%).
/f2 Specifies an alternative log file name and path. by default the log file will be created in the same directory as the setup executable with the name setup.log.
/SMS Instructs a silent setup not to release the current session until the installation is complete. Without this switch a silent installation will immediately appear complete and run in the background.
/m Generate a .MIF file (used by SMS and some other management solutions to report status information).
/m1 Specifies the serial number to be written to a .MIF file (used with /m parameter)
/m2 Specifies the locale string to be written to a .MIF file (used with /m parameter)
/d Debug InstallScript portion of the setup with the InstallScript debugger (ISDbg.exe). This is intended for setup authors to troubleshoot a setup and not for admins- the action requires a setup.dbg file to be available.
/f Specify alternative compiled script. Setup.exe looks for a compiled script file named Setup.inx, this parameter may be used to specify a different name for the compiled script file. Note that in earlier versions of InstallShield (InstallShield - Windows Installer Edition), this parameter served to initiate a repair of the installation.
/L Specifies the language for the setup for those setups that support multiple languages. Language must be identified by decimal (LCID).
/delayedstart Delay initialization of the installation. With this parameter, specify the amount of time (in seconds) by which initialization of the installation is to be delayed after Setup.exe is launched.
/deleter Do not clone a second Setup.exe process when debugging. By default, Setup.exe clones a second process so that it properly uninstalls applications from machines on which no InstallScript installation had previously been run. Use this option when debugging a DLL function that is called from your own authored installation script.
/extract_all Extract a package's files but do not run the setup.